One of the treasures I have found in instagram is definitely Lisa Messenger. As I discovered her there, I literally started stalking her, picture by picture,or rather caption by caption. Because she posts inspirational texts which give you the exact amount of motivation you needed for the day. So I named her my insta vitamin, that I take daily into my brain. Therefore my willing to have and read her books was just a natural reaction of this treatment.
"Life&Love Creating the dream" was the first book I wanted to have. Unfortunately it was availabe only as E-Book in Germany. I say "unfortunately", because I love real books, I mean a tangible book to hold in my hands. The smell of a new book (well, old books either), the feeling when you turn the pages, and most of all, the power of underlining the sections you want to remember for later in pink or neon green, all of these give me pleasure to READ a book. Hence, I was very critical about my first iBook buy. But, Lisa Messenger on the ipad was better than having it not at all. It turned out, that it was not so bad to read a book on the iPad.
As you see below, you can still turn the pages and underline the text.
This book has beautiful handletterings.

She is founder and editor-in.chief of a magizine, that is sold in 37 countries. She is an Australian entrepreneur, motivator, a role model. This one thing about her, that makes her so powerful, is Authenticity. And this book is all about authentic love, happiness, family and relationship, and purpose. What she has learnt from life so far, how she found herself, her wisdom, she gives them on, generously. She would never call her experience wisdom, because she is not pretentious. On the contrary, she always tries to make it clear, that she, as a humanbeing full of failures, yet found the right path and wants to share how. It is a navigation book to cope with yourself, your fears, dreams, your attitude, then after all, it is, for the most part, up to you and your choices, your decisions, how you create your dream and design your life.
I'd recommend this book to everyone, who is interested in personal development and self-discovery.
And what I have learnt from this book?
What is done in love is done well.
Work hard, stay humble!
Be true
Be you
Be free
The next book I could luckily order in Germany per amazon was: "Daring and Disruptive". I read it during my summer vacation in Croatia, on the beach. While the "Love&Life" was about finding your calling and self-discovery, this book is about how to identify your business dreams and business purposes. If you found what you love to do, then the next step is how to make a business out of it. As the name of the book says, it will motivate you to be daring and disruptive. It is an encouragement for all those, who want to become an entrepreneur.
One sentence I marked boldly was: "To succeed, you must have unwavering, insatiable, tenacious self-belief"
If you are playing with your ideas and considering to turn your hobby into business, then this is the right book, to get an inspiration.
What I took as an important lesson?
"If you ever use size, lack of industry knowledge, or lack of money as an excuse, then you are simply not passionate and determined enough!"
And just START! Starting doing!

I have introduced you an amazing lady, who followed her dream and built a successful entity. She keeps motivating others, to fullfill their dreams, just like she did. She founded an enterpreneur and lifestyle magazine, wrote many books. I am looking forward to owning her other books, as soon as they are available in Germany.
Here is the link to her magazine. Follow her in instagram: Lisa Messenger. Hope you will get inspired by her, just like I did.

Kommentar schreiben
Suvd (Samstag, 31 August 2019 12:03)
And please be reminded that you are inspiring others, too. I am always thankful to have your blog.
The AGD (Donnerstag, 17 März 2022 15:46)
What's your instagram?